Life Behind the Lens

Growing up on the west coast of the United States and spending lots of time outdoors camping and exploring as a child, I fell in love with wild world around me. Great expanses still untouched, beckoning me. The thought of finding undiscovered gems in my own backyard was just the beginning to my life of exploration. Outdoor photography is a never ending game of chasing light and dark and perfect composition. Like anything, sometimes you win and sometimes you lose. Nevertheless, you are always outside in your element chasing that special fleeting moment, that never-ending adventure that is life.

Growing up on the west coast of the United States and spending lots of time outdoors camping and exploring as a child, I fell in love with wild world around me. Great expanses still untouched, beckoning me. The thought of finding undiscovered gems in my own backyard was just the beginning to my life of exploration. Outdoor photography is a never ending game of chasing light and dark and perfect composition. Like anything, sometimes you win and sometimes you lose. Nevertheless, you are always outside in your element chasing that special fleeting moment, that never-ending adventure that is life.